Friday, January 15, 2010

Flower No. 2

Here is the second of my four flowers; I love the blue color! And they look pretty good together. It's a good think they go together pretty fast because I usually don't like doing the same thing more than once! At least changing the color of the flower helps with that:)

Now, it's time to figure out how to put them together so that they look good as a composition. If I flip the next two so that the flowers all come from the center, two of them will be upside down, unless...


Ginny Stiles said... you are going to hang the 4 of the flowers together in a group? Is that what you plan to do? I love that this is a series. Like Elizabeth does her farm animals in a series...although I don't know if she plans to hang them together or not. I like the idea of maybe doing some very small ones square maybe 4" x 4" and then hanging them together. What a cool idea you have! I love the flowers and won't they look splendid. When you have them done please photo them together!!! I LOVE your new blog layout!!!! It is splendid!

Sandy said...

Yes, Ginny, the squares are 6x6 and I'll put them together in a square, making it about 12x12. At least I hope they'll look good together like that. I'll be beginning on the 3rd one later today!

Glad you like the new layout!