Monday, January 4, 2010


OK, put your shades on because this might hurt your eyes! I'm not happy with those bright colors but will tone them down with paper. This has started out really ugly, hence my reason for not posting sooner! If I had started over as I thought I would, I would have used greens instead of that blue. Your input is welcome!


Kay Smith said...

Hey Sandy, you've got a wonderful blog!!! Love your collage work!

Sandy said...

Thanks so much, Kay!

Tara said...

I love it! It pops!

Sandy said...

Hi, Tara, nice to see you here again! I'm slowed up on the rooster because I took a drawing workshop this week--but I'll get back to him soon!

Carola Nix said...

I can't wait to see how "the story" continues :)

Sandy said...

I really have a good time working in collage, but sometimes it seems like it takes forever--then I think about colored, back to tearing up little bits:) (Upside-collecting all those pretty papers!) The rest of the story...