Friday, December 25, 2009

Panda Finished

Well, it may not be Day 4, but my little panda collage is finally finished! Christmas got in the way for a few days, but now that the holiday fun is almost over, I'm feeling a bit antsy about getting back to making art:) I really had a great time making this collage and definitely want to do some more of it, but right now I think I hear my pencils calling me!
This piece was trimmed down to a square format because I felt it had too much green; it also looks better in this cropped format, the yellow running off the page a bit. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Panda Collage - Day 3

This could really be addictive! I found that I forgot about the laundry, the vaccuming, and dinner! However, I do need to stop occasionally and wash the medium off my fingers and work table--everything is sticking to me!

While not a very pretty college, it is beginning to look a bit better. I added some more pieces to cover some of the white edges and I like it better. I'll finish up tomorrow between baking brownie bites and getting ready for another Christmas party:)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beginning to Collage

After painting some acrylic on various types of paper, I started tearing the paper into little bits and gluing to the underpainting with matte gel. I enjoyed the process but now have questions about the results. I have white edges around the paper bits, probably because the paper didn't absorb the paint all the way through; I thought because this was a fiborous decorative paper that it would work but maybe not. I might get some rice paper and try that. But, in the meantime, this is a practice run and I will continue to the finish, learning as I go!

As I said earlier, I learned of this method from a Florida artist, Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson. I purchased her DVD from her website and have thoroughly enjoyed it, she does beautiful work. I would love to be able to take one of her workshops. If you'd like to see her collage works, visit her at

Sunday, December 13, 2009


OK, for real, this is the collage underpainting I'm starting on--tomorrow--I'm going to begin gluing little pieces of pretty paper on the background. Keep your fingers crossed for me:)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today was a cold, rainy day and a good day to play indoors. I started early this morning with paper and gel medium in hand, ready to test out some of the papers I rounded up. You know, I've always been a paper saver--those pretty papers you get in gift bags, tissues, some gift wrap is just too pretty to throw away, so I have a good variety. I cut a large sheet of watercolor paper into 6x6 pieces for practice. Today's lesson was just to see how much medium and what kind of paper works best. So here are two 6x6 pieces. I REALLY love the fiber papers and hope I can get some more soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Paper Painting

I couldn't take the time to do anything artsy the last few days as I've been mailing packages and making desserts for Christmas parties BUT I was reading somewhere, who can remember now, about painting paper to use as collage papers. So, I have all these 5x5 squares of some kind of tissue paper and lots of paints. Here are a few of the sheets I've made so far. They are pretty boring, same color papers but now that I"m getting the hang of it, maybe I'll get really wild, we'll see:) And I guess I should test them to see how they tear or what happens when you add gel medium, etc.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wintery Scene

Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas decorations are up, and the shopping almost done. Today I finally had time to play at the art table a little. While I haven't managed to get back to either of the colored pencil pieces, I started before the holidays put them on hold, I have taken a little time here and there to study, practice, try out, whatever you want to call it, paper painting--or collage. I have found that I really enjoy this art form, though I am just beginning to learn something about it. I have researched collage artists and found one in particular who work I admire. She has marketed a DVD regarding her process and I am axiously awaiting its arrival. Til then, I am on my own.
So, here is today's work--an underpainting, in acrylic, that will be covered with bits of paper. The underpainting is very loose, just a base of color to enhance the paper. And, wintery looking, just like the weather today!

I just love having an excuse to collect all those pretty papers!

Monday, November 23, 2009

When Is It Finished????

Using a smaller piece of paper, about 8x10, I made another attempt at creating a collage. I am still planning this out a little too much rather than it being an "intuitive" process. And--how do you know when it's finished? I love the look of the Unryu paper and will be using more of that.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Something New

It's been a few days since I posted; have been busy going from demo to demo and seeing lots of interesting art things. Our club had a plen aire paint day in the downtown area and I went to take photographs of the buildings for future use. And, of course, all the usual busy work of this time of year, getting ready for Thanksgiving and going through Christmas decorations. I also have my art room torn apart to re-arrange. In the middle of all that, I did finally try what I picked up from the collage demo, which btw, was very interesting and got me all the more interested. So you'll be seeing more efforts along this line. Since this is really different for me I'd love to hear your comments and any suggestions!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Holidays are Coming

Here's a little project I've been working on to get into the holiday spirit! If I intend to complete many things, I'd better get started! This is a 5x7 scratchboard warmup while I'm trying to figure out what do to!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Art Exhibit

Today was another georgeous day to be outside, so I couldn't resist taking a drive over to Mt. Pleasant to attend Judy Wilder Dalton's Opening Reception at the NTCC Whatley Center. And I'm so glad I did! I am really drawn to Judy's work and I had a chance to study several of them up close and personal. I also was able to talk with Judy and hear her talk about her process, which I considered to be a mini-lesson in itself! I do hope I have an opportunity to attend one of her workshops in the near future. I have posted a photo of Judy with one of her paintings--and a close up of that painting without too much glare! If you'd like to see more of Judy's work, I'm sure she'd be happy to have you visit her site at

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fall Festival Weekend

I love this time of year! Almost every weekend in October and most of November, the small towns of NE Texas have some kind of fall festival! Every year, on the last weekend of October, Omaha has a Country Fair and Art Show. I have participated in this small show for 3 years now. It offers no money for prizes but they give beautiful ribbons made especially for this show, and it's very enjoyable to get out and talk with the artists and townfolk! This year I won 2 First Place and 2 Second Place Ribbons, but will never top the first year when I received the Sweepstakes Ribbon!

It was a BEAUTIFUL day to be outdoors, too--no rain! The drive to Omaha is very pretty and I saw more interesting things! First, I saw a cow lying (laying?) on a big pile of hay (was the ground too wet for him or was he saying "all mine!"); then down the road a ways, at my cat groomer's place, in fact, I saw two llamas stacked up, whoa!, took me a minute to realize what was going on! Then, over on the right, there is a miniature horse farm, I always love looking at those little animals. Finally, a few miles later, over on the left, is a herd of buffalo--yes, buffalo, something you don't see everyday! Is this what is meant by "stopping to smell the roses"?

Next Saturday, I hope to attend the Winnsboro Art Fest. More about that later!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Some More Winners and a New Start

I started this new piece a couple of days ago, and already have made so many changes that I may need to start over. It's also larger than the scanner so you only see part of it (but the largest part)! It's approximately 11x14 on Fabriano Artistico, a mid grey. As you can see, I'm having the most trouble with the face. I really could use some lessons in portraits!!!

And, a photo of fellow artists, Mary Liles, Ronnie Slavodnik, and Martha Jordan, all winners in the Mixed Media category at our art show this month. I also didn't identify my fellow winner in the previous photo, Cari Brown.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Great News for Me!

There hasn't been much time for drawing the last couple of days as there was so much to do getting ready for our annual Membership Show which is held at the Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council. Tonight was reception night and I'm thrilled to tell you that my "At the Market" turnips drawing won 1st Place in the Graphics Division. I also received the 3rd Place for "Travelin' Man". (That drawing got me a lot of ribbons this year--and to think I almost passed it over! ) It was a very nice evening and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with everyone who attended.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Catnapping!

After a couple of days of adding and fixing, I'm not sure this is going anywhere! The scan is much more yellow than IRL. I'm having a tough time deciding what pencils are best for the flowers on the cushion. The real flowers are reddish but there is already so much red inthe cushion and bright red just doesn't seem right. Sure wish I could find this ref. photo. I think it was on the old computer so I need to get out my backup drive. Still have a lot of details to fix.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cat Napping

This is what's going on now! This drawing was started probably six years ago! While looking through some of my old drawings, I picked this and one other cat drawing to do some additional work on. I can't believe at the time that I thought I couldn't get any more pencil down. This is probably on Bristol 300 which I don't use any more. It already looks 100% better than it did, and I have a ways to go. I didn't really finish it in all areas--wow, I think I have learned lots in six years!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rounding the Turnips

More color has been added to the turnips to give them a more rounded look--I hope it worked, I have a tendency to go either too little or too far, so I chose to go a little at a time!! All my photos have been taken with a digital camera on cloudy days, so today I have a second photo. I scanned the drawing so it is only the portion that fits on the scanner, but I think it shows truer color. Let me know what you think! (The top photo is scanned).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Down to the Tweaks

FINISHED! All but a few tweaks here and there! But the way I work, I'll tweaked it to death, so it's good I have a day or two before I can get to the framer's. I'd love to hear any suggestions that would help make it look it's best. If you see a spot I missed please let me know. I will have one final post as soon as it's "tweaked to death" and has a proper title!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting to the Turnips!

I started working first thing this morning, and before I knew it, the day was almost gone!!

I had to stop and re-think what I wanted for the upper right corner and as you see I just continued with the black. I finished the greens--YEAH! and did some touch up in spots. Oh, and put in the kraft paper, or paper bags, on the board. So, really all I have left to do is the board and the turnips. And the wording on the paper bag. I have some commitments for tomorrow so I may not get to work on it, but by this weekend, I should be nearing the finish--which is good, I could use a new piece for our club membership show. Maybe I can finish, get it matted and framed, and delivered by Friday of next week!!!!

ps--not sure I'll ever get a really good photo:(

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Green, Green, Green

Today is going to be a short day because I'm really sick of green!!!! I thought I'd be able to finish the green areas but I have a little more to go. But being tired of it is a good sign to stop. So, I added in a little color on the paper bag on the right side just for fun, and tomorrow, if I have time, will continue with those never ending leaves:)

Yuck--this is a really bad photo. Not enough good light to make a good photo. Tomorrow I will get a better one.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Adding Some Color

Today's work--some green in the leaves and the purple cloth. I love the colors in this piece! I've never really liked working with yellows and greens but I'm enjoying it this time. This is about 4-5 hours worth of work. I think the re-crop works--at least for the time being.

Friday, September 25, 2009

More in the Dark

Today's work finds me with all kinds of problems. My first thought 2 hours into the day was to toss it and start over. But I can just never let go! My initial crop and idea for the top left corner went south on me. I impressed the area where the leeks (those thready looking things) were hanging down; in the photo, I liked the looks of that and the bag. But after putting color in, the impressed area didn't look like I thought it should. So after thinking that toss thing, I decided to crop a bit more off the top--and liked it better than the original!!!! So, now I'm only working with a couple of impressed lines in that area and hopefully I can cover enough that it won't show up. While the problem is not solved, I think I'll keep going on it and see what happens. I'm almost ready to put in some green!
Photo is still not too good because it's too big to scan and it's been cloudy for what, 3 weeks!!!!! The new version is approximately 6x16.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Establishing the Darks

Trying something different for me--starting with the darks. I have the first layer in and it does make it easier to see what's going on. This first photo shows the ref because the drawing isn't far enough along to tell you much. This is part of a photo taken during the summer at a Farmer's Market. It is on Stonehenge and approximately 9x17.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time Flies!

This has been a very busy week and I haven't had time to start my new pieces. Wednesday I dropped off four pieces for the Four States Fair Art Show. Thursday was judging day and opening on Friday. I was there to view all the art and see who got what in awards. Though I think the show may have been smaller this year, it was well represented. My "Serenity" zebra brought me a 1st place in Animal/Wildlife and "Travelin' Man" a 3rd place in Portraits.

Later this afternoon I will be giving a demo in Scratchbord to the Piney Woods Art Guild. Though I'm nervous, I am looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing some art!

Hopefully, I'll be back at the drawing board tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Woodpecker Finished!

This has been a finishing up week! I finished off three drawings, the zebra, Lance, and the Woodpecker! Now I can start something new, or maybe two somethings because I have so many lined up I can't decide which one goes first!
By the way, if you have any ideas about a title for this one let me know. I thought about "Late to Dinner" because the seeds are almost gone or something relating to his size in relation to the feeder. Suggestions????

Monday, September 7, 2009


You saw this zebra a ways back; I pulled it out not too long ago and decided to finish it up for the art show at the fair. I've done everything under the sun on this including putting a coat of varnish on it! I also didn't get a real good shot of it because I forgot to photograph it before matting it. It will be framed without glass.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Back to Lance

I'm putting Woody Woodpecker aside to figure out how to handle that paper--I probably should start over but I just can't give up. So, here's Lance. I think he's almost finished; maybe some touch up here and there. I like the way his face is a bit loose so I'll leave it that way. I find it very hard to get detail on this paper. If you remember, this is the UArt 600, so I'll be starting something soon on the 800--soon as more pencils arrive!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

And Even More...

I'm still working on the woodpecker, but in my defense, I was gone for 3 days! I have now decided for sure that I will not be using this paper again for colored pencil! Also, I put the Pablos away and went for the Prismas! So, at this point, I am REALLY working to get more color down. It's slow going but I'm still enjoying it. I'm also thinking of what my next project will be and also working on another that needs to be finished for a show. Thank goodness no one cares if my house work is done!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More Woodpecker

Not much progress, I'm afraid. Still adding some layers on the bird now. Improved the angle of the feeder so that it shows the effect of his weight (leaning to the left). Still a ways to go on the feeder. This paper is not going to take much pencil so I'm thinking I'll be using solvent for more coverage.

I'm registered for a color pencil workshop for the next three days so I won't have time to work on this until the weekend!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Woodpecker Update

A little more time on my woodpecker baby and this is what he looks like. I've decided changing paper AND pencils was not the thing to do. I love the smoothness of the paper but it just won't take as many layers as I'm used to. I also switched back to Prismas hoping a sharp point would help me get more layers on. Not working too well:( So, once again I find myself experimenting to get what I want--using a small amount of alcohol as a solvent; also not working, maybe because the Pablos aren't waxy? I don't know. I'm be adding more color, as much as I can, and another layer of solvent. I'm beginning to like it, so if this one doesn't work out, I'll try again on familiar paper. Tuesday note: I see I have a wrong angle on the feeder that I will correct for next time!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Spring Visitor

Lance is on hold until I get where I can find some colored pencils I ran out of! In the meantime--I spied this woodpecker baby at one of my small feeders in the Spring. I grabbed my camera and got this shot of him hanging on by his toes (well, his woodpecker toes!) This crop would have gone pretty fast except I'm trying some new pencils (Pablo) and new paper (Fabriano hot pressed watercolor paper). The pencils are harder than the Prismas so I have to watch the pressure or I'll get hard lines. The paper seems to be very easy to work on, it has a smooth texture and the pencil picks up easily--in my case, a big plus!

It has taken me two days to get this far--the Prismas would have been faster--but will reserve judgment until finished!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Lance

This is almost finished. I'm trying to decide about the background. After working on this 600 grit I've decided I like it. I'll have to try the 800 first, though, to know which one is best for me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Watercolor Workshop

I can't believe it's been two weeks since taking the watercolor workshop I mentioned! This weekend I worked a bit on the piece I started there and this is what I got. It's not much, but it's bright!! And I learned so much about how to handle watercolor, which, I guess, is why I had so much trouble with it in the past. So, it's nice to know that if I try a new piece, I know how to start and what to expect. I did actually start a floral but it's not holding my interest and I'm not sure I'll continue. Maybe I'll find a new subject and start again!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This week's drawing is more in the portrait category. Being a former Austinite, I am a big fan of Lance Armstrong. At the same time, I have some new samples of UART sanded paper that I've been wanting to try. I actually started this on the wrong piece of paper as I was going to use the 800 grit; this is 600. But, I'm glad I made the error because now I can see what the 600 will do and seemingly, the 800 will do it even better, being a finer grit. I'm going to finish this and hopefully, do another very quickly on the 800 so I can compare the two. I'm not really fond of the yellow color of the paper.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quiet Afternoon on the Lake Updated

After looking at this a few days, I decided a little more work was needed. I added some color to the backside of the mylar to deepen some of the areas and smooth out others. I also have been scanning with different color paper underneath and have decided that the final looks best on white. (Mylar is a transparent ground and will pick up the color of the paper it is mounted on). It's on it's way to the framing table!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This is just a quick little drawing that I started sometime back. I lost it under a pile of ref material so today I pulled it out and scanned it. I don't care for the paper, too many specks show through for me. But, the intent was to be a little less detailed and let the color do the work. I'd like to hear what you think!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Quiet Afternoon on the Lake

Here is an update of my duck! I'm not sure but I think it's finished; I'm pretty satisfied with it and enjoyed the whole thing. I think I'll leave it alone for a few days and look at it again, otherwise I'll work it to death! I think I managed to get three layers on before it got crumbly.
I have something picked out for the next project. I'm going to try it on a small sample of UArt paper. I'm looking forward to trying it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

On the drawing board...

Something I've wanted to start for a long time. I love the abstract-looking water and I'm enjoying working that part. This is approximately 9x12 colored pencil on mylar. I hope I will be able to get all the color I want before the "tooth" is filled.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mid-Summer Art Show

Little River Art Councils Mid-Summer Art Show ended Saturday and I'm very happy! I received a First Place in the Portrait Category for the portrait I did of my husband first part of the year. I named this piece Travelin' Man and planned to do a series (My Man Series). And to think, I wasn't going to enter the show this year!!!!! Here it is.....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

And the Experimenting Continues...

Today's experiment--watercolor on crumpled Masa paper. Some of the details were lost in the scan.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


For the last couple of days, I've been experimenting with oil pastel, colored pencil and a different kind of paper. I have a pad of Artagan paper that I bought several years ago and was just never very fond of it. Sometimes when I experiment, I start with that. I was reading in the Color Pencil Workshop book about oil pastels and colored pencil so I decided to give one of the demos a shot. I started on a 5x7 size and once I decided I liked the technique, increased it to 8x10. Once I got to the background, I realized oil pastel was not the way to go, so my orchid is oil and colored pencil and the background entirely cp. I'm not sure I'll go any further than this with it, but it's worth trying again.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Sleepy Kitty is being overhauled and in the is a little squirrel! Not a very good photo!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sleepy Kitty Third Day

A little more work done and some color added. I will keep scratching into the color and layering. Maybe several days til I have another update as I'm going to be out of town.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Sleepy Kitty

A little more progress on the kitty. Once I scanned it, I realized I need to work on the values; and maybe it's time to start adding a little color. I had hoped to finish by this weekend but I have too much going on.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Sleepy Kity

Finally found some time to start a new scratchboard but I already find myself in trouble with it. It'll smooth out tomorrow maybe! This is 8x10 and may be colored.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Finished!

This is finish up week. I want to complete all the near finished pieces I have laying around taking up space! So far, I've managed to knock out these two--the ballon piece I haven't worked on in weeks and the ball and jacks. The official titles for these are "A Different View" and "Simple Childhood".

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