Friday, December 25, 2009

Panda Finished

Well, it may not be Day 4, but my little panda collage is finally finished! Christmas got in the way for a few days, but now that the holiday fun is almost over, I'm feeling a bit antsy about getting back to making art:) I really had a great time making this collage and definitely want to do some more of it, but right now I think I hear my pencils calling me!
This piece was trimmed down to a square format because I felt it had too much green; it also looks better in this cropped format, the yellow running off the page a bit. What do you think?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Panda Collage - Day 3

This could really be addictive! I found that I forgot about the laundry, the vaccuming, and dinner! However, I do need to stop occasionally and wash the medium off my fingers and work table--everything is sticking to me!

While not a very pretty college, it is beginning to look a bit better. I added some more pieces to cover some of the white edges and I like it better. I'll finish up tomorrow between baking brownie bites and getting ready for another Christmas party:)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beginning to Collage

After painting some acrylic on various types of paper, I started tearing the paper into little bits and gluing to the underpainting with matte gel. I enjoyed the process but now have questions about the results. I have white edges around the paper bits, probably because the paper didn't absorb the paint all the way through; I thought because this was a fiborous decorative paper that it would work but maybe not. I might get some rice paper and try that. But, in the meantime, this is a practice run and I will continue to the finish, learning as I go!

As I said earlier, I learned of this method from a Florida artist, Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson. I purchased her DVD from her website and have thoroughly enjoyed it, she does beautiful work. I would love to be able to take one of her workshops. If you'd like to see her collage works, visit her at

Sunday, December 13, 2009


OK, for real, this is the collage underpainting I'm starting on--tomorrow--I'm going to begin gluing little pieces of pretty paper on the background. Keep your fingers crossed for me:)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today was a cold, rainy day and a good day to play indoors. I started early this morning with paper and gel medium in hand, ready to test out some of the papers I rounded up. You know, I've always been a paper saver--those pretty papers you get in gift bags, tissues, some gift wrap is just too pretty to throw away, so I have a good variety. I cut a large sheet of watercolor paper into 6x6 pieces for practice. Today's lesson was just to see how much medium and what kind of paper works best. So here are two 6x6 pieces. I REALLY love the fiber papers and hope I can get some more soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Paper Painting

I couldn't take the time to do anything artsy the last few days as I've been mailing packages and making desserts for Christmas parties BUT I was reading somewhere, who can remember now, about painting paper to use as collage papers. So, I have all these 5x5 squares of some kind of tissue paper and lots of paints. Here are a few of the sheets I've made so far. They are pretty boring, same color papers but now that I"m getting the hang of it, maybe I'll get really wild, we'll see:) And I guess I should test them to see how they tear or what happens when you add gel medium, etc.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Wintery Scene

Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas decorations are up, and the shopping almost done. Today I finally had time to play at the art table a little. While I haven't managed to get back to either of the colored pencil pieces, I started before the holidays put them on hold, I have taken a little time here and there to study, practice, try out, whatever you want to call it, paper painting--or collage. I have found that I really enjoy this art form, though I am just beginning to learn something about it. I have researched collage artists and found one in particular who work I admire. She has marketed a DVD regarding her process and I am axiously awaiting its arrival. Til then, I am on my own.
So, here is today's work--an underpainting, in acrylic, that will be covered with bits of paper. The underpainting is very loose, just a base of color to enhance the paper. And, wintery looking, just like the weather today!

I just love having an excuse to collect all those pretty papers!