Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some Updates

I've been pretty busy on these two pieces and haven't stopped to update; the balloon is going very slow but I think it's coming together--maybe not much longer! As a break a couple of days ago, I started this little hummer in scratchboard. It's been a real learning experience! I especially enjoyed adding the color. I'm still making lots of errors but beginning to feel more comfortable with the medium.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Balloon Update

Not a lot of progress yet as I have been pretty busy. This is a very tedious piece. I have done another 4-5 hours work and it doesn't look that much different. Plan to spend most of tomorrow on it to speed it along a little!

Today I did something kind of special. A friend of mine who teaches art to children had a "Budding Artist" show for her students. She asked me to help judge and I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing work that young people do. It's very inspiring.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Different View

I started this piece several weeks ago, maybe longer! It didn't seem to move for me and I stalled. I think that's when I started working on scratchboard so much. But now, as I said earlier, I'm missing the colored pencils and I'm having a go at this again. I posted it on WC to see if I could get some moral support and I think it's working. I've spent a few hours on the color and it's beginning to come to life for me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I'm putting this aside for a bit while I figure out how to fix a few things and decide what else needs to be done! I have plans for a small project while that's going on!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

More of Cuddles

This is moving along though it seems at a snail's pace! These pups have thick fluffy fur and it's a trick to make it look that way. I couldn't get a good photo by using my digital so this photo is what fits onto the scanner bed. Just a tad cropped all the way around.

Friday, April 3, 2009

All Cuddled Up!

I got so carried away with the new project that I forgot to post it! That's ok, maybe now I've been able to correct or cover up some the crazy mistakes I made in the beginning! There are four dogs, count 'em! I have never drawn a dog in my life and now I pick a project with four of them!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another Finish!

And here he is complete! I'm already excited about beginning another; thing is, I'm beginning to miss the colored pencils, too. I think the slow spell is over!!